Open-Source Microscopy

This is a summary of some of the open-source hardware pojects we would like share. We aim to break the inverse relationship between price and resolution. Feel free to contact us if you have cool ideas!

The list will be updated regularily.

Find more in our Nanoimaging Webpage

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Suporting Microscpy using Open-Source Hard- and Software Tools

Here you can find a list of our open-source tools to realize all kinds of microscopic imaging.

High throughput for openUC2 - Hi2

A low-cost high-throughput microscope for multi-well plate scanning inside the opentrons pipetting robot.




UC2 - A Versatile Optical Toolbox

Open-source optical toolbox for low-end to high-end microscopy. Have an idea? We would be keen to realize it!

📃DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-19447-9


🛠UC2 Online Configurator


UC2 - Super-resolution imaging using SIM and ISM

You can perform high-resolution imaging using UC2 using structured illumination microscopy (SIM) and image scanning microscopy (ISM).

📃DOI: 10.1101/2021.01.08.425840v1


UC2 - educationa minBOX

Use UC2 in education? Of course. Made for it using the new injection moulded cubes! All in a curated box with a growing list of optical experiments to challenge peoples creativity.

📃DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-19447-9




Cellphone-based super-resolution imaging device that realizes STORM, SOFI/SRRF and live-cell widefield imaging.


📃DOI: 10.1101/2020.09.04.283085v1


OpenTRONS XY Stage

Multi-well plate reader for the use in pipetting robots to automate large scale micrsocopic imaging experiments.

📃DOI: N/A (comming soon)



If you have a question or found an error, please file an issue! We are happy to improve the device!


Please have a look into the dedicated License file.


We do not give any guarantee for the proposed setup. Please use it at your own risk. Keep in mind that Laser source can be very harmful to your eye and your environemnt!